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Saturday, April 19, 2008

One again online dollar producer , Titanclik “ The DEMOKRATOR CREATOR PTC.”

One again online dollar producer , Titanclik “ The DEMOKRATOR CREATOR PTC.”

First time I log in at this place you rather few pessimist thinking, in the mind I don't just after confident that titanclik is guiding Paid To Click's program that bonafit. This because guiding sites overdose cheating PtC program. Its mean, after they empower to do Clik, they trick us with all trick kind. There is that necessitates to upgrade gets to pay, there is that erases our account of database so we can't log in again. And a variety another trick for the purpose and to the effect with which is Takes In..

See from data profile at first page four it really fastens on their behalf their – a new one studying at PTC'S business. Why? titanclick has two area divide clicker.. First is clicker's area non member( guest clicker) and both of is click's area makes member. Titanclicks deliberating to get things square all by places Paid To Clik's seeker switch( Click is its Advertising) at front page, are not at afters page logs in. With so, to guest, non member can do surf before they are right – correctness come in as member. Titanclicks gives chance to guest that free hand studies PTC'S program sites this in the very beginning.
Its mean, suppose member less hankering on titanclicks, therefore they may push along without shall be member. But if guest previous feel something that variably and hankering with all facility which is at this sites pleases to drawn out as member titanclik. Quite an system what do so democracy. Don't thrust and necessitates guest – surfing guest to do sign in's registration.
I call titanclik as " DEMOKRATOR CREATOR PTC." When I surfing at there are many place, seems to be no sites which braves to do thing kind of that did by " The DEMOKRATOR CREATOR PTC." pleases to see and studies it farther and gone in for its road map.
As member
Over and above has rights to do Click To Read, member also diperkenankan to propose reviewnya about this sites and writes it at place already being provided for by write for review. By pays that is equal to, da if review's writing you were agreed by money will direct at couple with clik's result that we do.
To hasten payout's minimum acquisition. Therefore as sites – other sites, Titanclik also provide Referal Affiliati's program. With link that is so easy look for it. And so easy find referral's program switch this.

to sign up Click this banner and follow up prosedure testimonial list.

Hereafter pleases do surfing and study as useful as possible before you drawn out sign up goes to member's zoom hopefully this writing utilitarian for all concerned


it more complete reads here ............thank's

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

buru dolar dan kumpulkan di e-gold.com ? .

BERBURU DOLAR DAN KUMPULKAN DI E-GOLD , Bisa ditukar dengan Rupiah
Dari mana dolar – dolar yang bisa dikumpulkan di e-gold.com ? .
Sudah punya account e-gold ? jika sudah lanjutkan pengembaraanmu ke tempat – tempat yang menyediakan dollar , terkait jaringan dengan e-gold.com , tempat yang nantinya akan menjadi tabungan di rekening e-gold kamu.
1. Bergabung dengan salah satu (atau semuanya) program ini (klik link)
login di donkeymails.com
2. Pada saat mengisi account ubahlah kotak isian tentang email . pilihlah email di donkeymails.com juga. Kenapa .? karena dengan klik email inipun ada bonusnya besar lho makanya untuk mengisi kolom email ini jangan sampai salah. Jangan gunakan email kamu di tempat lain. Gunakan email ( inbox ) yang ada di donkey mail juga.
3. Selesai membuat account lanjutkan dengan login member ( tarik kursor kamu kebagian bawah halaman dan klik member login maka secara otomatis kamu akan masuk pada halaman dimana dollar – dollar berserakan.
4. Langkah selanjutnya adalah dengan klik kotak yang berisi tulisan “ Get Paid to Clik “ tempatnya di kotak sebelah tepi bagian kiri dan nomor tiga dari atas
5. maka kamu akan dibawa pada pengembaraan mendulang dollar caranya hanya dengan “ klik banner – banner yang muncul “ di bagian bawah tengah agak kebawah dan bertuliskan “ bosnus account$ 0.25 atau bonus account $ 0.01 atau bonus point.
6. Klik banner banner tersebut sampai selesai . Asalkan di pojok kiri atas dari halaman yang kamu klik tadi muncul konfirmasi “ thank you . Your account has been credited." Dan itu artinya Dollar telah masuk ke Account kamu . Kamu tak perlu membaca semua isi web, cukup menunggu munculnya pesan tersebut. Kemudian tutup saja halaman tersebut dan klik lagi yang lainnya . ini kurang lebih sekitar 2 – 3 menit saja .
7. Bisa kamu kalkulasi jika 2 menit kali 10 banner maka kamu hanya memerlukan 20 menit untuk menghabiskan promosi dari donkeymails.tersebut. Dan kamu bisa kalkulasi akumulator yang kamu dapat , 10 banner x $ 0.01= $ 0.10 untuk 20 menit .
8. Lakukan tiap hari di seling waktu saat kamu login di tempat lain.
9. Setelah selesai melakukan klik – klik banner tersebut kembali ke halaman member , atau tarik kursormu ke bagian tengah di tempat kotak – kotak dan klik kotak bertuliskan Earning . kotaknya ada di bagian atas sebelah kiri pojok. Tak lama setelah klik maka akan muncul konfirmasi hasil yang kamu dapatkan.
Bagaimana caranya memindahkan dollar – dollar kita dari donkeymails.com ke rekening e-gold milik kita. ?
Pertanyaan bagus . setelah kamu klik earning milik kamu dan kamu ketahui jumlah pendapatan hari ini maka lanjutkan kursor kamu kebagian bawah dari kolom – kolom accounting kamu . dibagian bawah tersebut terdapat 2 tulisan berwarna murah sebelah atas payment methode dan sebelah bawah reendem advertiser. Saya sangat menganjurkan untuk klik tulisan payment methode. Dan jangan seklai – kali kamu masuk di reendem advertiser.
Selanjutnya bagaimana ?
Setelah kamu klik tulisan warna merah tadi tunggu sebentar , halaman akan overview ke halaman lain. Setelah lengkap muncul maka di halaman baru tersebut ada 3 metode cara memindahbukukan dolar – dolar kita. Di halaman tersebut sudah tertera ketentuan terrendah dari dollar yang bisa dipindahbukukan ke Antara lain adalah .
1. melalui Alertpay :
2. melalui paypal kemudian yang terakhir adalah
3. melalui e-gold.
Catatan . kadang – kadang halaman ini tidak muncul karena ada pembatasan waktu, untuk itu kamu akan tahu dari konfirmasi yang muncul di halaman ini. Untuk perhatian kamu saja , setiap selesai melakukan klik banner ataupun inbox kamu ! lihatlah earning kamu dan klik paymen methode . begitu sampai dollar kamu yang di donkey.mail pindah ke e-gold semuanya.
Dimana kita bisa mencairkan e-gold ?
Kamu kamu jangan kuwatir dengan masalah yang satu ini . buang jauh – jauh pikiran bimbang tersebut karena e-gold ini bisa diperjual blikan layaknya mata uang yang kita tahu misalnya Rupiah , Dollar , Uero, Yen dll Jika kamu sudah meng-ingikan e-gold yang kamu miliki itu di uangkan , Silakan tukar menjadi rupiah ke e-gold changer (seperti money changer). Anda dapat mencarinya lewat Google.search engine. Caranya ,
ketik pada bar/menu brownser kamu . http://www.google.co.id:
kemudian setelah muncul home page dari search engine , masukkan kata kunci berikut ini di kotak pencarian. "Jual Beli e-gold" dan kamu akan menemukan apa yang kamu cari di sana. Klik salah satu dari index yang muncul, sangat saya sarankan pada kamu upaya mempelajari terlebih dahulu sebelum melangkah jauh. Jika demikian klik dua atau tiga domain yang muncul , dan munculkan di masing – masing windows sehingga kamu bisa leluasa mempelajari . caranya ? arahkan kursor pada title berwarna biru kemudian klik kanan mouse kamu dan muncul konfirmasi , antara lain ( open in new windows , open in new tabs windows ) nah pilih yang new tabs windows. Maka yang kamu klik tadi akan berjejer di dashboard kamu. Dan pelajari satu persatu sampai kamu paham betul. Barulah ambil satu keputusan.
Sementara itu dulu yang bisa aku sampaikan kurang lebihnya aku mohon maaf. Untuk selanjutnya kalau kamu – kamu sudah punya account dari e-gold.com akan aku lanjutkan tulisan ini tentang dari mana saja sumber dollar yang bisa diterima oleh e-gold ? . its okey
Dibawah ini adalah temen yang juga pernah membahas masalah ini
pengusaha online.com


it more complete reads here ............thank's

Monday, March 17, 2008

Tips and Trick logs in publisher at adbrite.com

want to log in to Adbrite?
maybe it really helps to you that want to log in to Adbrite.com.Building on our recent posts highlighting tips and tricks for advertisers, here’s our first set of tips for publishers.
This installment focuses on Full Page Ad, a unique format that is popular with AdBrite publishers.
Here are a few simple suggestions for enhancing revenue yield from your Full Page Ad (FPA) zones:
1. Set the zones to auto-approve. The number one reason why a FPA ad unit doesn’t get ad fill is because it’s on manual-approve and the publisher doesn’t approve enough ads.
2. Make sure that the code is hard-coded into the HTML of the webpage rather than an ad rotation system like DART. The FPA won’t fire if it’s in an ad rotation system.
3. Make sure that the code is not inside of an iframe. FPA won’t fire if it’s in an iframe.
4. Make sure that the code is on top of the page to ensure that it fires.
5. Set the click count to fire on the 2nd click if possible. That way it’ll still show for an engaged reader, but there’s a greater chance of firing than if it’s on 3rd click or later.
6. Set the frequency cap to 1 in every 12 hours if possible, and perhaps even lower.
All these changes can be made quickly in the Manage Ad Zones section of the Publisher tab on the AdBrite site.
We hope these tips help you make the most of your Full Page Ad zones.
Brooke Wells
Account Manager

• Posted in Publishers, Full Page Ad
Welcome, Daniel Issen
by Paul Levine
February 28, 2008 at 1:08 pm
It’s my pleasure to welcome Daniel Issen as our new Vice President of Engineering at AdBrite.
Daniel joins AdBrite from eBay, where he held a number of leadership positions within the PayPal and eBay organizations over the past 6 years. Of course, Daniel has a strong engineering team behind him that works day and night to improve AdBrite for you.
Over the past year, AdBrite has made several key additions to its executive team, tapping talent from successful advertising, media, and technology businesses. AdBrite’s management team includes former executives from eBay, Shopping.com, PayPal, Yahoo!, AOL, E*TRADE, IAC, Salesforce.com, and Check Point Software.
To learn more, take a look at the hiring announcement and our executive team page.
Iggy Fanlo
AdBrite CEO

• Posted in Careers at AdBrite
Site-level optimization for your network campaigns
by Benny Blum
February 27, 2008 at 8:03 pm
Advertisers, you may already know that you can optimize bids on a site-by-site basis to maximize conversions at your target price.
But, ever wonder exactly how it’s done? We’ve collected some tips from our best and brightest at AdBrite.
Before you get started, you’ll need an AdBrite conversion code so you can track conversions and CPA by site. See our recent post for step-by-step instructions on adding a conversion code.
Once your code is live, there are three easy steps for optimizing your campaign to maximize conversions.

1) Bid high to maximize your exposure
Start with a high bid to maximize your exposure and see which sites convert for you. If the market rate for banners is $1 CPM, try a $2 or $3 CPM bid. Likewise for CPC text bids – if the market is 20 cents per click, try a 50 cent bid. With AdBrite’s market-based pricing, you’ll only pay a penny more than the next-highest bidder, so you’ll typically pay less than your max bid.
Do this for a few days. You’ll quickly run on thousands of sites, and get valuable data about how your campaign is converting on each site.
2) Optimize bids by site
Now the fun starts. Armed with lots of rich site-level conversion data, we’ll optimize our campaign and drive up conversions at our target CPA. For everything that follows, go to the “For advertisers” tab on AdBrite, click on an individual campaign, and then click the “Sites” tab to see site-level conversion data.
First, let’s pause all non-converting sites. Among the thousands of sites in AdBrite’s network, some may work for us, and others won’t. No problem. Simply sort by spend and pause all sites that have zero conversions.


Next, reduce bids on sites converting above our target CPA. To do this, simply sort by CPA, from highest to lowest. For sites that are converting, but above our target CPA, let’s reduce our bid price and see if we can get conversions at a lower bid price.

In this example, the campaign is converting, but above our $20 CPA target. To get our CPA down to $20, we’ll lower our bid by 54% to $1.39, and see if we’re able to get impressions and conversions. Note: if the new bid is below the minimum bid allowed, then pause the site.
Finally, increase bids on sites converting below our target CPA. This may seem strange – if we’re converting at a great CPA, why should we increase our bid? The answer is that these are our best-converting sites. There may be even more conversions available to us, and we should bid aggressively to go get them. Again, with auction-based pricing, you’ll never pay more and often will pay less than your max bid.

In this case, our current CPA for this site is $14.06, well below our target of $20. We should be willing to bid more than we’re currently paying to make sure we lock in inventory and conversions on this site! Specifically, we’ll raise our bid to $2.65 (142% of our current bid) in order to secure more impressions on this site.
3) Increase daily budget to drive more conversions
You’ve now taken the first steps towards running a network campaign with site-level optimization. If done properly, you’ll be converting below our target CPA on all the sites on which we’re running, and will have a super-effective campaign in place. Give yourself a pat on the back!
Now, it’s time to scale up your spend to capture more conversions. This part is easy. Simply raise max daily budget for the campaign to make sure we’re capturing all of the available inventory that will convert for us.
See what happens, and repeat the steps above to drive the most conversions possible at your target CPA!
Benny Blum
Manager, Account Services

• Posted in Publishers, Advertisers
The latest on ad network transparency
by Paul Levine
at 10:29 am
This morning we had an article published on iMedia Connection, covering the topic of ad network transparency.
The key point is this: advertisers and publishers no longer need to choose between site representation networks, which offers transparency, but only for hand-selected premium inventory, and the “blind” network, which offers low-cost bulk inventory, but without disclosure of specific sites represented.
Open ad marketplaces - AdBrite foremost among them - offer big pools of publisher inventory at market-based prices, *and* have the benefit of full site-level transparency.
Take a look at the article and let us know what you think!

• Posted in Publishers, Advertisers
Just launched Spottt
by Philip Kaplan
February 12, 2008 at 9:05 pm
Today we launched Spottt, a service that makes it easy for websites to promote each other for free (woo!)
The concept is simple: by joining, Spottt members agree to display ads for other members. It’s automated, and uses a small snippet of HTML that can be inserted into any web page, including blogs and MySpace profiles. The amount of free advertising members receive is directly proportional to the amount they give to others. Spottt ads are 125×125 pixels.
If you’re a publisher, Spottt is not a replacement for AdBrite, and Spottt won’t make you money. But it will bring you new traffic, all for free.
And for reading this far, you get free Spottt credits Sign up at www.spottt.com with the promotion code “ADBRITEPUB” (without the quotes) and we’ll deposit 1,000 free bonus credits into your Spottt account.
Rock on,
Philip by adbrite.com

it more complete reads here ............thank's

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ijen's crater, Traditional sulfur mine

Ijen's crater, Traditional sulfur mine Ijen's crater, Traditional sulfur mine
Crater ijen is mountain confining among regency Bondowoso and Banyuwangi's Regency. If you from Surabaya East Java therefore ascends banyuwangi's majors autobus passes Situbondo's city. Come unto situbondo's transsite pleases you downwards and vote for vehicle which make towards BONDOWOSO'S city or contact at my address
Tuan.redi@gmail.com or at this address tuan.rediys@yahoo.co.id before you depart, we provide tour guide service to you make towards Ijen's Crater.

There is two road make towards this ijen's crater

1. if you of Bali therefore you disa passes at banyuwangi. correct it at port cassia alata wends slippery village and its succeeding can be down at bondowoso.

2. if you of surabaya's aim therefore advisable you come in to pass bondowoso's cities.

crater name history ijen
ijen's crater of javanese langued with the meaning crater which its apart position or alone,….. no crater again at its vicinity

woooooowwwww fery spektakular's landscape on a high 30,000ft of plane left window Surabaya Denpasar bears one question about location one green color lake tosca at a high 2,000 - an meter. Its lake seems to be at deep crater with caldera wall as high as 300 500m. One mountain peak soars to lie over and above it. White smoke that mengepul of one of its crater soars to air, making it contrast with environmentally its color green vicinity jade.

Ijen's lake with degree zero acidity, having depth 200 meters and well-nigh volumes 40 million cubic meter, one of crater lake outgrows to be universalized. Its acidity is enough strong to dissolve jemari's dress and finger. bird view's view that helicopter camera then changes over to step aside caldera that show ijen's crater mineworker be fight climbs up to shoulder tens its content kilogram. one green color lake tosca at a high 2,000 - an meter. Its lake seems to be at deep crater with caldera wall as high as 300 500m. One mountain peak soars to lie over and above it. White smoke that mengepul of one of its crater soars to air, making it contrast with environmentally its color green vicinity jade.

Uniqueness prima facie from wisata Ijen's Crater besides instead of its panorama that is so beautiful is see traditional brimstone mining that transported by shouldered manpower. This traditional mining konon just exists at even Indonesia (Welirang and Ijen). Charges that is transported each about person it until as heavy as 85kg. This charges heavy extraordinary for mostly person, when fumigates to be transported through steep caldera wall and 800m go down mountains in as much as 3km. Accepted production a taker average 25 thousand rupiahs per diem it, or vicinity 300 rupiahs per its kilo. A taker usually just can downwards take in once everyday it, since its weight talks shop. Severally hundred meters there is a antic domed buildings remaining Dutch get to set down “ Ijen's Crater Watering ”, one that present at conceive of Domed Post, one post where mineworkers weigh its content and gets a piece of paper about content and its point.

wisata's trip goes to Ijen's crater, begun from Paltuding 1,600 mdpl, one Perhutani's post at Merapi Ijen's hillside. From here earth road goes on to increase to a high 2,400m dpl with time sails through 2 hour clear a root easy going. Along trip a lot of berpapasan with enduring brimstone which court commutes greeting. Get in at crater lip, charming landscape lies eye ahead. One tosca's green lake with diameter 1 berselimutkan's km fog and brimstone smoke lies to go away under. Mineworker fumigate to appear littles from above. To make towards producer source fumigates tsb., we need to go down bebatuan caldera bank via impassable lane mineworker. Indispensable wet kerchief, since aim oftentimes wind blows to take in smoke makes towards decrease band.

At crater basic, on a line with lake surface exists take place fumigate. Stiff white smoke outward gushes of kind of linked iron pipe to sulphur spring. 600oC's discharge red colored fumarol smoldering melting outward and icing since cold weather, forming padatan bright rust colored brimstone. Sometimes smoulder fumarol blazes not restrained, one that usually shortly been watered water to prevent piroporik berantai's reaction. Amethyst fumigates this was cut by handspike and transported by kedlm basket. Get dlm's breath environmentally spt. struggle needs this alone, mineworkers by and large working while bites sarong or cloth abatamen patch up as censor of air.

Besides direct making for lake face, berkeliling punggungan is dpt's caldera is done with eat time more or less in full day full. Incline goes to Ijen's crater by and large suggested started in by morning. To reason security, incline goes to ijen's crater from Paltuding is closed one escape hits 14:00, since its stiff smoke and pretty much wind aim that aims to go to incline band. To run after trip in the morning, visitor suggestedding to lodge at the nearest location at Bondowoso, clear mountain city, or at Situbondo one beach city. If you like mountain plantation atmosphere, place that gets image for overnight is Guest House horticultural PTP'S Coffee Archipelago XII at Kalisat, Jampit. Guest house this lies at deep horticultural real estate on a high vicinity 1,200 mdpl. Besides it also is of service Wisata's Cabin at Paltuding that enough clear, or opens tent at earths Paltuding's encampment. Temparature averagely crater around Ijen is 13 oC at daytime and 2 oC at nighttime.

To reach Ijen's crater now is not over difficult. Available two tricks, first via Banyuwangi's city in as much as 38 km to the west via Slippery, Guava and continually goes to Paltuding (1,600 mdpl). Second trick is pass through Bondowoso's city 70 km to aim easts via Wonosari, sempol (800 mdpl) continually goes to Paltuding M. Trick both of it at most sailed through by person because by the way of flawless asphalt, meanwhile first trick by the way of zooms full macadam steep. Strange tourist as untrammeled as visit at Bromo usually comes through Bondowoso, kept up trip via Banyuwangi, Bali and Paprika.

Route from Bondowoso it passes through acreage circumscribed region horticultural coffee, with three portals that variably. At any given our portal is asked for to fill guest book and to the effect trip. Landscape at this route is wonderful, with arabikanya's coffee garden that green set, Perhutani's pine forest and Preserve virgin forest Ijen Merapi that deluge. Laconic visit one days get to be done, but overnight at coffee plantation is selection in point. In store package agro wisata visits coffee garden and coffee berry proceedings unit that equitable considered.

until jumpa at my writing another one.

it more complete reads here ............thank's
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